I'm so beautiful - you're beautiful

Ambra and Klara are here in London! That's what we've been doing these days before going out.

what a booooring weekend

Please!!! let's go out this evening!!!!
Well, at least, Ambra och Klara är coming on Wednesday!!!! and we'll be partying and sightseeing and shopping all the time!!!

That's me on Cloudday

The Dalston Experience

Dalston, photos, rain, Passing Clouds, Jam session, Moritz beers, this was the first Dalton Experience. More soon...

New Haircuts!

Yesterday, Víctor came to my place and cut my hair, then I cut his hair. Result: loads of people looking at Víctor in the street/clubs and some girls took pictures of me because, apparently, I look like their friend Steve(?). We didn't take pictures of us with the final haircut, but we will soon ;)

Sunday with Berta

I spent this Sunday with Berta et al. It was a really good day =), we went to Notting Hill, then Chinatown, Tower Bridge, we ate SPICY indian food (my tongue is still feeling it) and drunk a couple of beers in Brick Lane and Shored(b)itch.

Also, this weekend Bea and Pontus came to London and we had a nice dinner at my place =)

I'm gonna miss all of you guys, see you soon in Barcelona and Stockholm!

waiting for the next party

I need to take pictures of London's night life......